Apartheid in South Africa - UN Archive Photos; South Africa, 1960's - 1980's

  • All-male hostel in Soweto, a black "township" some ten miles away from Johannesburg.
  • Apartheid in South Africa - UN Archive Photos; South Africa, 1960's - 1980's
  • New arrivals at the Crossroads Squatters Camp near Cape Town.
  • A White-only residential area near Capetown
  • Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress of South Africa, addresses the Spe
  • Mourners at a funeral ceremony for those who were killed by the South African police on the Internat
  • President Kenneth KAUNDA of Zambia arriving at the United Nations Seminar on Apartheid, Racial Discr
  • Apartheid in South Africa - UN Archive Photos; South Africa, 1960's - 1980's
  • United Nations Seminar on Apartheid, Racial Discrimination and Colonialism in Kitwe, Zambia
  • The segregated stands of a sports arena in Bloemfontein, South Africa
  • Apartheid in South Africa - UN Archive Photos; South Africa, 1960's - 1980's
  • Mourners displaying a banner at at funeral ceremony for those who were killed by the South African p
  • Special Committee on Apartheid Meets in Dublin
  • South African army at Port Elizabeth.
  • Apartheid in South Africa - UN Archive Photos; South Africa, 1960's - 1980's
  • Segregated public facilities in Johannesburg.
  • As a car burns behind him, a young South African participates in a civil disturbance outside the Aud
  • Segregated public facilities in Johannesburg.
  • Apartheid in South Africa - UN Archive Photos; South Africa, 1960's - 1980's
  • Apartheid in South Africa - UN Archive Photos; South Africa, 1960's - 1980's
  • Apartheid in South Africa - UN Archive Photos; South Africa, 1960's - 1980's
  • Apartheid in South Africa - UN Archive Photos; South Africa, 1960's - 1980's

"Apartheid became the official policy of the Government of South Africa in 1948, following the election of the Herenigde Nasionale Party, later renamed the National Party. Under this policy, racial discrimination was institutionalized. The lives of the Africans, who made up almost 75 per cent of the population, were controlled by the unjust segregation laws from birth to the grave. They were proscribed where to live, who to marry and the type of education they would receive in the country of their birth.

Since the founding of the African National Congress (ANC) in 1912, the Africans waged the struggle against the unjust racist laws of South Africa. Their resistance ushered a new era on the morning of 21 March 1960, when thousands of Africans gathered peacefully in locations around the country, including in Sharpeville where up to 20,000 marched to the police station against the pass laws. The police opened fire on them, killing 67 people and wounding 186 others, including 40 women and 8 children. More than 80 per cent of them were shot in the back while fleeing. During the declaration of the state of emergency in 1960, which continued intermittently for nearly 30 years, anyone could be detained without a hearing by a low-level police official for up to six months. Thousands of individuals died in custody, frequently after gruesome acts of torture. Those who were tried were sentenced to death, banished, or imprisoned for life, as was the case with the world's most famous prisoner, Nelson Mandela.

The issue of the policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa remained on the agenda of the United Nations for almost fifty years. After numerous efforts of urging the Government of that country to abandon its policies - declared a crime against humanity - the international campaign reached a watershed in 1989. That year, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a Declaration on Apartheid and its Destructive Consequences in Southern Africa, paving the way for the holding of the April 1994 historic and first-ever democratic elections in South Africa.

The United Nations Photo Library (http://www.un.org/av/photo/) holds a collection of approximately 800,000 photographs dating back to the mid-1940s chronicling the history of the Organization and its work. The collection includes coverage of historic UN meetings and events, as well as a wide array of field coverage from its earliest days."

Taken during 1967-07-25 - 2016-01-23 *
Source UN/Flickr
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Created by RFrost on 2016-01-23

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